Padre has been providing permitting and environmental monitoring support to Southern California Gas Company for their La Goleta Storage Field Enhancement Project. The Project involves the drilling and withdrawal of native gas from the on-shore Eocene-age formation located in the unincorporated Santa Barbara County at 1171 More Ranch Road located near Goleta, California. Following the initial withdrawal of native gas, the formation will be used to enhance the existing storage field by expanding the total storage capacity at the facility. The project includes two initial development/exploratory wells, two exploratory wells (to be drilled at a later time), approximately 2,800 linear feet of underground piping and an additional dehydration system, as well as other appurtenant facilities and equipment.
Permitting of the La Goleta Storage Field Facility required a Coastal Zoning Ordinance / Local Coastal Plan Amendment and associated approvals (e.g., Revised Development Plan, Coastal Development Permit, and Land Use Permit) from the County of Santa Barbara. Â Additional permits and approvals were required from the California Department of Conservation – Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources; California Public Utilities Commission; Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District; California Department of Fish and Wildlife, United States Army Corps of Engineers; and Regional Water Quality Control Board. Environmental analysis of key issue areas including noise, biological resources, aesthetics, cultural resources, geology, water resources, transportation, and hazardous materials was provided to the County of Santa Barbara to support their preparation of the Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The EIR was finalized in May 2013.
Padre is currently providing environmental monitoring and compliance services in accordance with the Project’s approved Environmental Quality Assurance Plan as authorized by the County of Santa Barbara.
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