CEQA/NEPA Documentation (Test)

Legally defensible CEQA/NEPA Compliance

Padre has extensive experience partnering with clients to assure legally defensible compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We provide all aspects of documentation, analysis and support required pursuant to these laws. Padre has worked on a number of joint CEQA/NEPA projects and is familiar with compliance requirements promulgated by numerous federal agencies and state agencies administering federal funds. Specifically, Padre prepares the following documentation for its clients:

  • Categorical Exemptions/Categorical Exclusions
  • Initial Studies/Negative Declarations/Mitigated Negative Declarations
  • Project and Program Environmental Impact Reports
  • Tiered CEQA documents
  • Master Environmental Assessments
  • Addendum to previously certified EIRs/Negative Declarations
  • Supplemental or Subsequent EIRs
  • Environmental Assessments/Finding of No Significant Impact
  • Environmental Impact Statements
  • Combined CEQA/NEPA documents
  • CEQA Findings/Record of Decision
  • Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs

Representative Projects