Defining what has happened at the subject site
Our professional staff includes civil engineers, engineering geologists, and hydrogeologists who are experienced in conducting site assessment and characterization programs at sites with a wide variety of Chemicals of Potential Concern and environmental settings, including alluvial and fractured bedrock systems. By working closely with our clients, we develop site-specific scopes of work in accordance with the guidelines of the relevant regulatory agencies. Our senior staff has an excellent working relationship with many of the regulatory agencies throughout California, Nevada, and Arizona.
Optimizing Operations
Padre has experience operating and maintaining remediation systems, including water extraction and treatment, vapor extraction, dual-phase extraction, air- or –ozone sparging, and bioventing. Padre is also capable of taking over the operation of existing systems and evaluating and optimizing operations to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Tracking pollutants
Padre has knowledgeable staff that performs groundwater, surface water, and vadose zone (soil gas) monitoring activities at residential properties, active commercial/industrial facilities, and decommissioned oilfield sites. Padre has the capability to perform traditional bail and purge groundwater monitoring, low-flow and micropurge groundwater monitoring, and soil gas monitoring (including sub-slab). Padre performs groundwater monitoring at sites with few to hundreds of groundwater monitoring wells, including sites with alluvial and fractured bedrock aquifers. Padre’s experienced geologists and engineers are efficient at evaluating monitoring data, as applied to natural attenuation of contaminants, dissolved metals, and behavior of dissolved phase contaminants and non-aqueous phase liquids. Padre has been successful in closing sites based on sound technical conclusions, ending baseless monitoring for perpetuity.