Since 2007, Padre has been providing permitting, environmental, and remediation services to Chevron Environmental Management Company for the remediation, restoration, and re-development of the former San Luis Obispo Tank Farm Property in San Luis Obispo. This 332-acre property was historically used for the storage of crude oil as part of the former oil storage and transport system on the Central Coast. The property was impacted by the release of petroleum hydrocarbons during a 1926 lightning strike and resulting fire that released over a million barrels of oil to the surrounding area.
Padre has assisted Chevron with the preparation and submittal of permit applications, and consulted on the content and review of the environmental impact report resulting in the certification of the EIR by the City of San Luis Obispo. Permits have been obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building, and the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District. Additional reviewing agencies included the City of San Luis Obispo, Caltrans, San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport, the California State Historic Preservation Office, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Federal Aviation Administration.
Padre completed site wide wetland surveys, rare plant surveys, vernal pool fairy shrimp surveys, and cultural resource surveys. Padre prepared a landscape restoration plan, containing a mitigation plan for fairy shrimp impacts, which will be implemented following site remediation activities at each remediation area. Padre has conducted cultural resource surveys and testing at several historic features located within the site. Padre works closely with the remedial construction company to plan and execution remediation in each of the remediation areas of the site. Padre has conducted various assessment activities to characterize the site prior to remediation and obtain regulatory approvals. Remedial construction activities began at the site in 2016 for what is anticipated to be an eight-year long remediation and restoration project.
The photos show the ruins of a former oil reservoir at the site destroyed by the 1926 fire, and recent remedial excavations, which are currently in progress.
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